Monday, December 25, 1995


Christmas 1995

Here we are at Christmas time
To bring you one more Christmas rhyme
We have not many thought-out views,
So let us share some family news.

Glenda nurses 1200 students,
Jerry fosters Marion prudence,
Zack holds forth at ol’ K.U.
While Coby studies in ol’ Missou.

So Anthony has all Pfeifer Place
To study, play and interlace
The family schedules with his own,
Which sometimes makes his parents moan!!

Terry is a major player
Both with Sydney and with Bayer.
Kristy works in child day care,
So Sydney knows that Mom’s right there.

Judy's Tiny Little Tours flies summer, winter, spring and fall,
And in between she gives her all to a Church we call St. Paul,
Andy Masters in Education Administration at the first of 97,
And then comes home, which for us all will be a great big chunk of heaven.

Ernie gathers soy beans, and does some flying in between.
Donnis subs in Bastrop school and teaches kids the Golden Rule.
George works hard for Uncle Sam while Allie aces a grade grand slam
At nursing school in Tennessee and keeps two sons as they should be.

Beth is also off at college, winning friends, pursuing knowledge,
And Loyola knows she is there ‘cause she fits in everywhere.
But great grands is our biggest boast, so it’s to them we make a toast.
Kieran and Killen Sherwood and Sydney Renee Gates.

Half a hundred and four more years,
Lots of laughs, and some few tears,
Ups and downs along the way,
But to sum it up, here’s what I say.
How could one couple be so lucky
As Mom and I?