Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Junk mail is a nuisance; we all agree that’s true,
But here’s a bad dilemma that really makes me blue!
When this comes to pass, it makes my spirit fall!
If I didn’t get this junk mail, I’d get no mail at all!

Did you ever let that junk mail imagine a cruise ship?
With those millions which it promises,
You could surely take a trip!!
And all it takes to make it true is let your reason slip!

Expertise is not essential in this “once in life time chance”!
Just stay at home every day, but join us in the dance!
The offer says with composure, and with great reserve,
“Just take it easy, our new friend, and get what you deserve.

You could work in your pajamas, and never comb your hair!
Yod never go out to work, and make a mint not being there!
They’ll even furnish you a car, though you don’t leave the house!
Even in my dreams, this would make me feel like a louse!

What a shame no one’s at home at this e-mail address!
Or is the mind that’s “not at home” the one who sent me all this mess?
Now and then I open junk just to pass the rime,
But since I have to work tomorrow, I better end this silly rhyme.