Wednesday, December 15, 1993


December 15, 1993

Now listen up and let us tell
Of Christmas joy in 93:
Andy's home, and doing well,
From two long years across the sea.
Kristy’ s home, and so darn cute,
Working hard at Cards 'N' More,
But work’s not all ; there’s more to boot ;
She’s in charge at that big store

Three great years in Germany,
With friends and family coming often,
Gives “International Eyes to See”,
Love for all, and hearts that soften;
But being home with our two kids,
All safe and sound at Christmas time,
Wraps up God’s gifts with fancy lids
That say, “Enjoy this Christmas Rhyme”.

Thursday, September 02, 1993


September 2, 1993

On the way to Tulsa, in a tiny little town,
By chance I saw my fuel had run low,
And so I slowed our Escort and began to look around,
Until I saw a Quick Stop, which seemed the place to go.

Other cars had stooped there too, and some with little care;
In front of me a Cadillac had left slight room for me to park,
But edging in just all I could, I came at last to where
Unleaded gas could be pumped like threading needles in the dark.

Alas, across the pump supreme there stood a gorgeous blonde.
She smiled and said, "Hello" just as my tank was full;
And then, as though with magic wand
Presided o’er the stunt I’d pull.

“Oh “ she laughed, “you’ve stopped my pump ",
And strode away to tell the clerk,
“I need a refund, for this chump
Put his nozzle in my pump - what a jerk!”

And so, my Friends, this lesson I have learned:
"Nothing makes an old man feel completely like a chump
So much as when his head is turned,
And finds his nozzle in the wrong pump.

Tuesday, June 01, 1993


Date Unknown

Like disciples on the sea of ancient Galilee,
My Master on the shore, my hands upon the oar,
I was sure that I could row through any winds that ever blow,
So, with no thought about the tide, I set out for the other side.

But then life’s winds began to blow;
From whence they came I do not know,
Except that they began in me,
Obscuring all that I could see.

The wind of pride became my "Bride";
She broke my every humble bone;
She gently sighed, as she lied,
Saying life’s in what we own.

Just plain greed in every deed
Became my prideful rule, my lead;
It never case to me at all
That pride ‘does go before a fall’.

I would be great - self elevate
If I could man this tossing sea!
Through this desire I’d hesitate
To take the help God offered me.

But tempest tossed when all seemed lost;
The Christ who saves walked on my waves!
He calmed my sea; He set me free;
And let me see who I should he.

Monday, March 01, 1993


March 1, 1993

What’s this I hear, spread far and near,
A boon to every winning coach.
The team won’t fear; she’s here to cheer,
Her name: Christin Nicole DeLoach.

I knew her Dad, when just a lad;
Among young friends, the best I had;
And by the news I’ve had from him,
He must have wed a perfect ‘GEM’.

So this team trained by this great pair,
Will stand out strong, and be quite rare;
Great strength in spirit, body, mind;
Their goals set high, to serve mankind.

The kind of folk our God must love
As He looks down from ‘UP ABOVE’
Upon a world, where by His Son,
This kind of work was first begun.

Friday, February 26, 1993


February 26, 1993

Of all the gifts that love can bring
Few exceed the wedding ring;
The circle means eternal life,
And so it means to man and wife.

It seals a dream at last come true
When wed to one and one to you;
A dream that builds our castles tall,
And never sees love's’s flaws at all.

The sunshine comes, but also rain;
There is such bliss, but also pain;
It seems at times that we endure
Just because our love is pure.

But surely all love is not so,
For many rings just come and go!
Good marriages are really few;
Divorce breaks one of every two.

Two broken hearts; a shattered plan;
A quarrel-worn wife; a beaten man;
And often children shedding tears
From burdens far beyond their years.

Excluded where they used to share
Because their 'EX' just night be there.
Days and nights in loneliness;
Their dwelling’s haunt is homelessness.

What has the church to say to this?
Can She in conscience just dismiss
The clarion call to comfort these?
Their souls lift up? Their pain appease?

Car She not be a circle too
Where love is given to all those who
Abandoned by the dream they’d built
Lie pleading on their cot of guilt?

Yes, love is loving like our Lord,
And so the Church can ill afford
To act as though she sometimes seems -


February 26, 1993

Of all the tasks God has assigned
Not one among them is so good;
Nor is attention so aligned
As it is with PARENTHOOD.

Our children are but “LITTLE WE”.
They picture what we were and are,
For what we are they plainly see;
We are to them a “GUIDING STAR”.

Our character they emulate;
They listen well to all we say,
And though to mind may hesitate,

So listen well to your own child;
Hear what he has to say;
If you hear him while unbeguiled,
He’ll hear you on “TEEN-AGE DAY”!

Never miss a chance to TOUCH
A tousled head, a soiled cheek;
For parent 's touch will mean so much
Your strength will serve when he is weak.

Teach tiny things that he should know,
And in his realm, let him decide;
For every child must live and grow
‘Til he can be alone his guide,

Pr ay with him to God above;
Share with care God’s Holy Word;
And God will fill your child with love
‘Til only good of him is heard.

And when at last your child is grown,
And charged himself with PARENTHOOD,
You will be proud he is your own
And know HIS parenthood is GOOD.

Tuesday, February 23, 1993


February 23, 1993

One of my great gifts, I guess,
Is when I'm called to convalesce
The news I hear on our TV
Enlightens less than frustrates me!
So many views; so few agree.
For even fools, it's plain to see:
We must let God instruct us all.

So, lying here upon bed,
I hear geese flying overhead
Some say they are simply squawking,
But deep inside, I feel they're talking.
Formed in "V" for VICTORY,
They sail the same o’er land or sea
To gain the prize before their eyes
With no time out to criticize.

It seems they take so little thought
Concerning fame by humans sought;
They do their thing in back or front,
As leader strong, or just a "grunt".
Would that all were such a goose
To help to turn our country loose
To make all life for everyone
Much more full and much more fun.

Monday, February 22, 1993


February 22, 1993

I learned a lot in five short days
About "bein' up" on nurse’s ways
No use of havin’ clothes aroun':
They'll dress you up in a special gown.
The thing goes on with back in front,
Which you cannot fasten however you grunt.
It never comes down as far as your knees,
And on the back side there’s always a breeze

They lay you down on a crooked bed,
And ask all about what shouldn’t be said:
Sickness, surgeries, kidneys, bowels
An’ they never blush! Those cool little gals!
You lie half the night, ‘bout halfway ill
But when you’re asleep, here comes the pill
It knocks you cold 'til half past five
When she walks back in saying, "Look Alive!"

She says, “I’ve come to give you a shave!"
I think, “That’s nice, so I'll behave.”
I get all ready to look my best,
But the next thing I know I’m half undressed
An’ the thing that’s worst at for me to abide
Is her shavin’ that cheek on my bare back side!
She gets me ready for a ride down the hall
To a room where MEDICS ARE WALL TO WALL!

They stick a needle in my left forearm
And I'm on a "high" that works like a charm,
In a couple of hours that seems like a week
I know fer sure why she shaved that cheek
I ask fer a pill, but she says, "Not a chance!
Just pull I up that sheet where there ain’t no pants”!
And then without any great slight of hand,
She sends me back to "NEVER, NEVER LAND"!

The day goes by without much talk
But early next day I take my first walk
"Oh, my achin' behind," I say,
But their ain’t no use; she'll have her way!
Well, things git better as the week goes along,
An’ I see by now she's where she belongs.
She smiles and brings good things to the room,
Like "git -well" cards end arms full o’ blooms.

She laughs and talks and tells good jokes -
As well as must of us cowpokes;
But, oh! Good Grief! What a dirty crack
When she sends us home saying, "Hurry back!"
I learned to love that mean old nurse,
Although she could make a preacher curse;
But now I look toward better days
Mostly because of "NURSE'S WAYS"

Sunday, February 21, 1993


February 21, 1993

Well, Robineers this ain’t no song;
Ol’ Oj has a hitch in his ‘git-along’;
The doctors say, "This thing must go,’
And the last two months shore show they know!

So when my birthday rolls around
I'll be up at Olathe town,
Hangin’ ‘roun’ the Medical center
Like l’d sat on a great big splinter.

The ol’ left hip has a grindy joint,
An’ I can’t git the grease gun to that point,
So a ball and socket is ordered in;
Now ain’t that music a "heck of a frien’”!

Well, if o1’ Oj strays with the fence-breakin' cattle,
An' there ain’t no cowboy willin' t’ tattle,
Jist tell the neighbor my wife wants to barter
Fer one ol’ baldie with a marked hind quarter!

Saturday, February 13, 1993


February 13, 1993

Cowardly is the man
Who digs up blame,
Just because he knows he can
Toward men who died with honored name.

None have lived without some flaws.
Christ says only God is good.
No man knows, nor keeps all laws;
This is true of all manhood.

Then why defame the honored dead
Often models before our young;
Basing blame on what some said,
Who might not speak with honest tongue.

Weak the man whose claim to fame
Is based on some salacious story
Attacking one with honored name
In his attempt to rise to glory.

Strait character in man nor nation
Is learned by watching crooked sticks;
But light in all of God’s creation
Is gleams released from "Burning Wicks".

Wicks of love and service true,
Held high for all mankind to see,
Until at last our beak through
To know release in Calvary.

If all the good the world has known
Were done by only "Perfect People"
Our finest tools were stick and stone,
For Eden's story would have no sequel.

Sunday, January 10, 1993


January 10, 1993

Sunday morning, one, ten, ninety-three,
Our little home place all covered with snow,
It seems quite clear to wife and me
That we're all dressed up with no place to go.

A foot and a half outside the door,
Packed up tight, a pure white front;
It's a lead-pipe cinch, and that's for "shore"
The Escort can do no more than grunt.

The tractor battery is dead as a hammer;
No chance for using the blade to clear,
So Mom and I are both in the slammer,
And it seems we are bound to stay right here.

But wait! I hear the tractor's purr!
Clayton is here and has worked the trick;
He's jumped the Oliver, and I hear her
Blading the snow clear and quick.

How could we make it without these TWO?
More than once they've met our need;
Clayton and Carolyn are friends that are true,
Who sew in our hearts hope's happy seed.