Sunday, March 08, 1998


March 8, 1998

Just a cool, cuddly time with you sweet three,
Around the table with Mother and me.
A healthy portion of calm conversation
On daily doings throughout the nation.

But just being here to love each other
To touch finger-tips or hold one another;
Was more than enough to make the day good,
As the cold day warmed with love and firewood.

So Zack, your ship is about to sail
As soon as the summons comes in the mail?
You’ll be off to lands to accomplish God’s ends;
Your white sails billow now in the winds.

For long years now you have worked on this ship,
And all in all, it’s been a good trip.
She’s polished and waxed and all battened down,
Your degree in hand, dressed in cap and gown.

The seas you’ll sail we don’t know now,
But we know your Captain, and He’ll show you how
To move that craft to where it should be,
Toward whatever land, o’er whatever sea.

But on land or sea, or wherever you are,
With present technologies, you won’t be far;
So keep in touch, whether far or near,
For from 01’ Zack we just gotta hear.

But in that harbor where you set the keel
There’s a lighthouse burning a light that’s real;
And it beckons you home as oft as you can,
For you’re still our child, although a man.