Saturday, August 12, 2006


Life is blamed and called so cruel;
Good and bad seem oft in dual
For the minds of creatures we call men,
Who may be to blame for “the fix we’re in”!

Oh, there are tsunamis, tornadoes, storms,
Which often upset what we call “Norms”,
But these are mild compared to the wars,
Which have placed so many behind strong bars!

Barred from the good they were able to do,
By loss of life or a limb or two,
Or the loss of nature, good and kind,
By learning to kill opposing mankind.

Barred from fruition to dreams for their life,
Concerning their friends, their family, their wife;
Barred from fulfillment of God’s great plan
For every wife, child and man.

Oh, Leaders of Nations, please hearken to Him,
Who does place peace above human whim,
And provides a way for all who are able
To disdain greed, and stay at the table.

In this world, there is ample for all;
Not a single nation should ever fall
If mankind learns to listen to others
And feel their needs as loving brothers.

Naive, you say? Then what, I pray
Is more naive than fighting today
When our world has tools for total relief
From poverty, ignorance, danger and grief.

Deserts are open to be irrigated
As war machines can be mutated
To engines of good and caring concern
As man comes to the table to learn.

Whole populations in some starving nations
Are much in need of good educations,
Easily achieved if money spent
On fighting is changed to this intent.

How can man and science continue
In such wasteful and painful retinue,
Which brings so much heartache and pain
When all time has proved it foolish and vain?

Why should not all nations begin
The move to cast out this horrible sin?
Violence breeds violence wherever it’s found;
Good overcomes evil on most all grounds.

So come, sad world, to the table for peace;
Learn of love’s unfailing release
From selfish greed, or staggering fear,
And make this year a liberating year.



When a poet has nought to say,
He had best go on his way,
Do some things that he can do,
Or just sit calm, in quiet review
Of life as it has loped along,
And that should give him one more song.

When day is drab and night moves slowly,
There is no need to feel so lowly,
For poets too need time to rest,
So they, in time, can do their best:
In times that beg to go on page
As they are written by some sage.

May I find grace to wait and see
The varied things life shows to me;
She will not let me rest for long
without intoning one more song
That will be right to pass along
To a listening, hungry throng;
So I will listen for that “gong”
That helps my bard see right or wrong.

To praise the right, or right the wrong
Should be a poet’s favorite song,
For poems are much more than word;
In their content, should truth be heard!
Truth inspires and sets us free
To live and love all life we see,
So, Lord, please guide my simple bard
So writing truth won’t be so hard.
Orion N. Lewis 8-12-06



I dislike those days
When my “bard” seems “out to lunch”,
When he simply sits and plays,
And never has a hunch
Concerning life as it goes on;
Not one simply thought to give
While he is up and out, and I’m alone;
Not helping me to be, to give, to live?

How am I to write a verse
About that “nothing” he left to write?
I don’t even dare rehearse
A line of “nothing now in sight”!
So, I guess it’s mine to sit and wait
Until my bard comes home,
A trying task I dearly hate,
But when he’s gone, my thoughts do roam.

Perhaps I need to walk around,
See the people, skirt the town,
See the trees and flowers too,
Hear the people, see what they do,
Listen quietly for his voice,
Telling me to make a choice
Of the words I’ll blend today
That some may hear what I say.
Orion N. Lewis 8-11-06



How many folk, devoid of thought,
Joy ride along the way
To the airport with things they brought,
With no idea of delay?
Confiscation will demand,
On this terrible flying day,
All liquids that they have in hand,
Unless packed for baggage bay.

There are those who seek to kill,
And feel that is their Father’s will;
That we are pagans to wipe out;
Of this they seem to have no doubt.
Have we really failed to show
Just how far we’ll really go
To serve in love all mankind?
If this is truth, are all men blind?

Or have we really failed the test
That God would give, in His quest,
For brotherhood in all the earth
By coming here in Jesus birth?
Have our deeds denied our words;
Have we failed as God’s shepherds,
In that we have sought our own,
And not bowed before His throne?

He came to bring abundant life,
Not to embroil us in this strife
;That teaches us to hate and kill,
And build anew Golgotha’s hill.
It was He that bore the cross,
And it surely is man’s loss
When he builds peace by war,
And thus forgets who we are.

We are servants to love and lift;
That is the Christ’s special gift,
To help mankind, who may be blind
To opportunity of every kind.
This may be out of reach
Unless we take the time to teach
That human grasp exceeds his reach
If he can grasp what love can teach.

Godly love knows no bounds
Allah’s love supports those grounds.
It is man’s interpretation
That pits a nation against a nation.
Neither God nor Allah hate;
They are One, and did create
The world, and all that in it is;
So why do we take Evil’s quiz
By taking one side, or the other,
Against our own created brother?

May man spend wealth on needs that are;
Not create needs by heinous war!
May swords refashioned to plowshare
Bring peace and harmony everywhere!
May war machines be extinct
And love of man become distinct
To co-create with Power Divine
The world for which we do so pine.
Orion N. Lewis, 8-09-06

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


How many folk, devoid of thought,
Joy ride along the way
To the airport with things they brought,
With no idea of delay?
Confiscation will demand,
On this terrible flying day,
All liquids that they have in hand,
Unless packed for baggage bay.

There are those who seek to kill,
And feel that is their Father’s will;
That we are pagans to wipe out;
Of this they seem to have no doubt.
Have we really failed to show
Just how far we’ll really go
To serve in love all mankind?
If this is truth, are all men blind?

Or have we really failed the test
That God would give, in His quest,
For brotherhood in all the earth
By coming here in Jesus birth?
Have our deeds denied our words;
Have we failed as God’s shepherds,
In that we have sought our own,
And not bowed before His throne?

He came to bring abundant life,
Not to embroil us in this strife
;That teaches us to hate and kill,
And build anew Golgotha’s hill.
It was He that bore the cross,
And it surely is man’s loss
When he builds peace by war,
And thus forgets who we are.

We are servants to love and lift;
That is the Christ’s special gift,
To help mankind, who may be blind
To opportunity of every kind.
This may be out of reach
Unless we take the time to teach
That human grasp exceeds his reach
If he can grasp what love can teach.

Godly love knows no bounds
Allah’s love supports those grounds.
It is man’s interpretation
That pits a nation against a nation.
Neither God nor Allah hate;
They are One, and did create
The world, and all that in it is.
So why do we take Evil’s quiz
By taking one side, or the other,
Against our own created brother?

May man spend wealth on needs that are;
Not create needs by heinous war!
May swords refashioned to plowshare
Bring peace and harmony everywhere!
May war machines be extinct
And love of man become distinct
To co-create with Power Divine
The world for which we do so pine.


If we become CAPTAIN of our soul,
And feel we have complete control
Of all that happens in our days,
Do we need God to whom Christ prays?

“If it be possible, let this cup pass;”
Would God ignore his Only Son?
May man see through theology glass
That shows us God, when said and done?

For me, God dwells in human hearts;
His tabernacle He builds right there;
Omnipresence, more than arts,
Reveals a God we all can share.

We speak of Heaven as his home;
Do we not pray for “heaven on earth”?
If His great Spirit makes hearts His Home,
Is this not then our second birth?

It is His Spirit that shows His face,
Not for human eyes to see,
But by that Spirit he gives us grace
To be more like we long to be.

Yes, we drink cups we wish would pass,
As well as cups filled with joy;
We all see “darkly, as through a glass“,
Struggling to be more like His Boy.

Is not this then, “GOD WITH US”,
The Spirit no one can deny?
How great that God so trusts us
That in his Son He willed to die.

Let us look deep within our hearts
To find the trust and love therein;
That sight will help us do our parts
In all the good GOD DOES SHARE IN.